Prof. Vladimir F. Tishkin
Institute for Mathematical Modeling Russian Academy of Sciences
4A Miusskaya square, office 212
Moscow, 125047, Russia
(+7 499) 972-1791
Dr. Marina E. Ladonkina
4A Miusskaya square, office 207
Moscow, 125047, Russia
(+7 499) 791-2822
Dr. Nadezhda G. Proncheva
4A Miusskaya square, office 201
Moscow, 125047, Russia
(+7 495) 250-7887
Submission of materials:


Abstracts and proceeding papers should be submitted in electronic form with MS-Word or PDF. LATEX will be accepted but the .TEX file must also be included. Figures must be in .TIF or .EPS files. Presentations should be submitted in MS-Powerpoint or PDF. Post deadline submissions may fail to be included.