Prof. Vladimir F. Tishkin
Institute for Mathematical Modeling Russian Academy of Sciences
4A Miusskaya square, office 212
Moscow, 125047, Russia
(+7 499) 972-1791
Dr. Marina E. Ladonkina
4A Miusskaya square, office 207
Moscow, 125047, Russia
(+7 499) 791-2822
Dr. Nadezhda G. Proncheva
4A Miusskaya square, office 201
Moscow, 125047, Russia
(+7 495) 250-7887
Submission of materials:


Abstracts are limited to five pages and should be submitted in electronic format using MS Word or Acrobat PDF. LaTeX will be accepted, but the .TEX file must also be included. Abstract should include title and authors, and must be legible no more than 5 pages in the program booklet. The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 31, 2010. Post deadline submissions may fail to be included. Send your abstract via email with a subject heading of "Abstract_IWPCTM12" to e-mail address iwpctm12@imamod.ru. Please specify your preference for a Poster or Oral presentation.