The 12th International Workshop on the Physics of Compressible Turbulent Mixing (IWPCTM12) will be held in Moscow, Russia, July 12–17, 2010.
First Announcement of IWPCTM12
Second Announcement of IWPCTM12
Form for VISA support (Word)
Final Resume
Conference photo
Dear participants of the IWPCTM-12,
1. The Proceedings of the IWPCTM-12 will be published in January 2011.
Papers for the Proceedings of the IWPCTM-12 have to be sent to the Organizing Committee to IWPCTM12@imamod.ru
before November 25, 2010.
The copyright of the papers will belong to both the author and RAS.
The Proceedings will be published in LaTeX. The sample of the paper is presented at the 12th Workshop Web site.
Instructions for proceedings prepare
2. The Organizing Committee decided to publish papers presented at the Workshop in the peer reviewed journal. The presented papers will be possibly published after peer review in a special issue of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Journal of the Fluids Engineering. Please, see information details here https://journaltool.asme.org/Help/AuthorHelp/WebHelp/JournalsHelp.htm
Organizers of the IWPCTM-12
This workshop investigates the fundamental aspects of turbulent mixing in buoyancy and shear driven flows that are hydrodynamically unstable in both the compressible and incompressible regimes. Specific topics include:
Rayleigh-Taylor Instability,
Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability,
Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability,
Coherent Structures to Turbulent Mixing Layers,
Experimental, Numerical, Modeling and Theoretical Studies,
Simple Flows to Complex Applications,
Connected Problems.
The workshop will have oral and poster presentations, roundtable discussions and two test problem sections. Proceedings will be published after the workshop.
The workshop will be held at the Building of Russian Academy of Sciences (Leninskii prospekt, 32a). It near to city centre and the Moscow Kremlin.
Previous workshops in series
Princeton, NJ, USA (1988)
Pleasanton, CA, USA (1989)
Royaumont, France (1991)
Cambridge, UK (1993)
Stony Brook, NY, USA (1995)
Marseille, France (1997)
St. Petersburg, Russia (1999)
Pasadena, CA, USA (2001)
Cambridge, UK (2004)
Paris, France (2006)
Santa Fe, New Mexico(2008)
More information about past workshops can be found at www.iwpctm.org.